20 Easy Ways to Improve Your Health

Although the majority of people want to become fitter, lose weight, and become healthier, forming the habits can be challenging.

Before I figured out how to lead a healthier lifestyle, it took me several false starts and disappointments. I was sedentary, 70 pounds heavier, a smoker, junk food addicted, and unable to exercise for more than a few days without giving up in 2005.

I am much fitter, healthier, and leaner today. I generally avoid junk food and eat healthily (with occasional indulgences). I can also stick to a meal plan if I so choose.

How have I altered? I picked up a few basic tactics. Pick and choose the ones that might work in your life because these aren't for everyone, then give them a shot!

1. Discard the fast food. It is too difficult to maintain a healthy diet when there is junk food around your home or place of employment. Throw out anything that is sugary, fatty, greasy, or salty if at all possible. The best plan of action is to keep it out of sight. Organize your refrigerator and pantry!

2. Look up some healthy recipes and purchase the necessary ingredients. Online, there are thousands. Find one or two simple recipes that don't require an hour to prepare to start, and go out and purchase the ingredients right away.

3. Cook in bulk. I find that if I make things in advance, it is the simplest for me to follow a healthy meal plan. Therefore, prepare large quantities of tofu veggie stir fry, veggie chili, or soup, and store the majority of it in containers in the refrigerator or freezer. I like to portion out food into serving-sized containers so I can simply reheat them for meals.

4. Stock up on wholesome munchies. What will you eat as a snack when you're hungry? Have wholesome snacks available for eating at home, at work, and on the go. Some of my favorites include fresh fruit, chopped vegetables, raw nuts, and dried fruits.

5. Make healthier social connections. Can you meet up for tea, a game of basketball, or a stroll in the park instead of going out to bars or unhealthy restaurants? Or go to a restaurant that serves healthy food?

6. Locate a workout companion. Ask your partner, a close friend, or a coworker to join you for walks or runs, or to meet you at the gym or a fitness class. It's more enjoyable and simple to do it with a partner, and you're more likely to show up if you have a meeting scheduled.

7. Use social media to inspire yourself. For accountability and motivation, you can use Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or your preferred online forums. Make public announcements about two-week or monthly health challenges, and ask others to hold you accountable. Try out Fitocracy; it's a fun social fitness game that can help you stay in shape.

8. Play outdoors. It's important to get some sunshine and fresh air by going outside each day. Move around, go outside and play with the kids, go for a walk with a friend, or kick or throw a ball around.

9. Look for wholesome options when dining out. Can you find more local restaurants with some healthy options rather than going to fast food or chain restaurants where everything is deep fried? When you go out, make a list of the places you want to visit.

10. Make tea and water your go-to beverages. Many people continuously consume soda or sweetened coffee drinks. This is not required for a happy or healthy life. Your favorite beverage may end up being water, and (unsweetened) tea has many health benefits. Once a day, I enjoy having a mindful green tea ritual.

11. Plan time for active breaks. If you work on a computer all day, schedule brief breaks every 30 to 60 minutes to stretch, get up and move around, possibly perform some pushups or squats, and drink some water. It's not necessary to exercise only once per day.

12. Obtain your partner's support. If your partner is opposed to the changes, it can be difficult to implement them. Share your ideas with them, let them know what you've been reading, and ask them to help you get healthy early on in the process—that is, right now. Never try to change them; instead, see if you can convince them to join your team.

13. Start off modestly; don't go overboard. Large changes can be challenging to maintain. Try one of the small adjustments on this list before moving on to the next. You'll get used to it and it will become your new normal as you move forward. No step has to be particularly challenging.

14. Enjoy your workout. Set goals for both you and your friends. Find a sport you enjoy playing. Use exercise as a way to relax. Exercise doesn't have to be difficult or boring; it can actually be one of the highlights of your day.

15. Sip some red wine. One or two glasses of red wine can be very beneficial to your new healthy lifestyle and can even add some enjoyment. I think it's important to make living a healthy lifestyle enjoyable, so include foods you love that are healthy, activities you enjoy, a mindful tea ritual, and a nightly wine ritual.

16. Learn about berries, kale, avocado, flaxseeds, quinoa, tofu, and tempeh. Many people don't regularly eat these foods, and some people have never tried some of them. Explore each of these foods one at a time; I believe they are all very healthy. Some of them take some getting used to, while others, like tofu and tempeh, just need the right seasonings so they don't taste bland (like some of them do).

17. Include nutritious components in your meals. Start incorporating some healthy ingredients into your regular meals if you don't want to alter your entire diet. Try ground turkey or meatless ground in place of ground beef, for instance, if you typically eat spaghetti. Add some flaxseeds, kale, and carrots that have been finely diced. This is applicable to numerous recipes.

18. Explore new ethnic cuisines. Do not consider modifying your diet to be a sacrifice. Consider it a fun adventure. Would you like to try a few meatless days each week? Try some wholesome dishes from the Mediterranean, Thailand, Japan, and India. Even the whole family can enjoy it immensely.

19. Give up smoking. It's true that this tactic isn't the simplest, but it's also one of the most crucial. On November 18, 2005, I stopped smoking, and it was one of the best things I've ever done. It requires about a month of diligent work. Here are some advice I have.

20. Eat healthy before working out. Improving your diet is one of the simplest ways to start getting healthier; for instance, it's not difficult to add more fruits and vegetables or perhaps reduce your intake of sweets. Starting an exercise routine requires a little more concentration and often produces slower results. On the other hand, if you start working out, don't use that as an excuse to eat whatever you want because it's simple to undo the advantages of your morning run with a donut and a sugary, fatty coffee.

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